Monday, January 21, 2013

Breaking out? Stop it in it's tracks with Lioele's Essential Aloe Mask!

Today we will be reviewing Lioele’s Essential Aloe Mask!

My last trip out to Lioele Texas, I picked up the Essential masks because I had run out of the Essence mask pack that I had before. The first one that I have used so far is the Aloe mask. The Aloe mask boasts multiple healing properties, can help with reducing acne and preventing it as well as brightening the complexion. I started out with this mask because I’m currently starting to breakout and I wanted to see if the Aloe mask with its acne prevention could help my skin before it got too bad.


The first thing that I noticed about the Aloe mask was the different direction that Lioele decided to go with their packaging.  The Essence mask had more of an abstract, girly theme to them. I really like how the Essential mask seemed to be more nature based. On the front of the Aloe mask package, you see the Aloe with a soothing green backdrop and the packaging looks less plastic-y. I really appreciate this new direction Lioele is taking because it really helped me get in the spa mindset. I also felt closer to the ingredients than before because of the picture of the Aloe on the cover and it’s easy to forget that there are natural ingredients in Lioele’s masks due to the nature of paper masks.

To me the Aloe mask was better made than the Essence masks because paper mask felt less papery and more cloth-like. The fit of the mask was great. I really like the Aloe mask because there were more folds so you can create a really good fit on your face. Unlike the Essence masks, there wasn’t as much essence in the package because the essence was more concentrated in the mask and less for hard to reach areas. Overall, I think that the Aloe mask has to be my favorite mask so far.

After Use

Like I said early, I was currently fighting a breakout which was what prompted me to use the mask in the first place. The first thing that I noticed after using the Aloe mask there were less redness in my complexion and a blemishes that I had were less noticeable.  This isn’t a use and go mask, so when I took off the mask my face was very wet so you should factor in drying time when using the Aloe mask.  A cool feature that I notice after using the mask was the cool, tingling sensation when I took the mask off.  A great thing to remember, that it is a Aloe mask so you might get that stickiness that Aloe is known for but it’s not as sticky as using the plant.


I really enjoy using this mask and I notice a good change when I used it. My skin looked a less broken out than before I used the mask. I think since the mask had lived up to all of its promises that it will continue to help prevent any future blemishes from appearing. The Essential Aloe mask lives up to name by being essential for anyone who is facing a break out or who just wants a great mask. I fully endorse this mask if you are looking for a great paper mask experience. 

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